Friday, January 7, 2011

A New Year and a New View

January 2011... Already???

Amazing! I have had so much happen in the past few months that as you can see I have not been here to share my thoughts... Mostly because I have not had time to even consider my thoughts. Not to mention finding the time to actually type them out!

I will start of by saying God is AWESOME!!! And, since so many of you have followed my journey to health let me start of by saying God has allowed me and truly helped me achieved all the goals I set for my physical health! I have lived out Philippians 4:13 KJV "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" God has been so faithful to help me on this journey. My last and final visit to my Dr. all my blood work came back perfectly! All the indicators of early onset of diabetes gone! High Blood pressure gone! I am in a healthy weight range for my age and height for the first time since I was in middle school... and best of all I feel amazing! I have maintained that this journey is not just about physical health and I still tell you that today, it is NOT... God has been faithful to continue to heal me mentally of the stinking thinking (see my earlier blogs!) and to help me heal emotionally, to be open to new relationships and strengthening my interactions with others in new and exciting ways. and best of all... spiritually God has drawn me into a closer more intimate relationship with him. To a place where I am getting to know Him better and trust Him in ways I never would have ever been able to imagine!

For 2011 the key verse God has placed before me is Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. I truly desire to live out this verse this year... I know it is not going to be an easy path to walk. However as someone very dear to me has told me repeatedly lately... “that if it were easy, everybody would be doing it” and when I was on my face before God recently listening to His voice guiding me and directing me in the face of a very large decision, He took me to Isaiah 52:12 ...For the Lord will go before you and the God of Israel will be your rear guard." What an amazing promise! So even when I am fearful of what the future holds... I know who holds my future and I know He is preparing the way for me to walk in and He has my back!!!

Happy New Year my friends, I am praying that God be more real to you this year then ever before! I pray that He pour out blessing upon blessing in your life and that it will overflow into the lives of all those you touch!

Monday, August 23, 2010

letting go

Today is one of those days where my first instincts tell me that I want to stop time. or at least slow it down... to a super slow pace... tomorrow my son Shawn will be moving almost a thousand miles away to Washington DC. it is a wonderful move... it is a wonderful opportunity for him, and will be a good positive start to his life as an adult. However, my mommy heart is heavy and I am finding it hard to breath today. I did not expect this. I truly did not... I guess in some ways I do not feel like my job of mothering him is complete there seems to be so much I wanted to teach him and did not for a multitude of reasons have the opportunity or did not take the opportunity to teach him. Things I want to say and have not said...

I have shared this with a few close friends and they have all told me pretty much the same things... then today when doing my devotions I poured out my heart to God... then pulled off my desk a devotional that I had been follwoing each day this year, yet over the past several weeks had left it to collect dust... when I opened it up this morning the book mark was on July 17th... I turned to todays devotional of August 23rd and this is what I read...


Release them into My protective care. They are much safer with Me than in your clinging hands. If you let a loved one become and idol in your heart, you endanger that one--as well s yourself. Remember the extreme measures I used with Abraham and Isaac. I took Isaac to the very point of death to free Abraham from son-worship Both Abraham and Isaac suffered terribly because of the father's undisciplined emotions. I detest idolatry, even in the form of parental love.

When you release loved ones to me, you are free to cling to My hand, as you entrust others into My care, I am free to shower blessings on them. My presence will go with them wherever they go , and i will give them rest. This same Presence stays with you, as you relax and place your trust in Me. Watch to see what I will do.

OUCH!! talk about hitting the mark and stepping on toes...

So my question to myself is this... had I placed him in a place of worship??? I don't think so, I think what I had placed there was my need to be the perfect parent... it was my skills that I am questioning... I had a very wise friend tell me that about a week or so ago... not in those exact words but to the tune of "anything left undone was not my responsibility to do... it may need to be others that teach those lessons... there are just some things a mother cannot teach. " So I am gonna spend some time on my knees releasing him into His Heavenly Fathers care one more time.... and I will ask Him to release me of this need to get it all right. perfectionism is a nasty jailer... Thankfully Jesus my Lord and Saviour came to set the captives free!!! Thank you!!!

well my friends, Thank you for holding me up in prayer as I walk through the next phase of my journey... it seems there is still some stinkin thinkin goin on that needs to be cleaned up!

Blessings to you all

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

checking our motives...

During my walk this morning I found I needed to spend some time checking my motives. Last night as I was spending time in the word after an emotional day and some even more heart touching conversation with a friend I found myself in the word of God at 1 Peter 1:14-16 "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct. Since it is written, you shall be holy for I am holy."

I started my walk having a conversation in my head with this friend I was talking to last night. You know the kind of conversation I am talking about... the one you want to have but probably never will. The one where you share ALL your thoughts not just the ones you feel might be acceptable and not step over the line. The conversation you wish you could have but are afraid to... I thought about what might happen if I really was bold and courageous enough to have that conversation with this friend, Then I did what I should have done at the beginning of my walk... I prayed about it. I asked my Heavenly Father to show me if this conversation was appropriate and found myself thinking about my motives. What was I hoping to accomplish with the conversation? What was my hoped for outcome If I was to have the conversation? I realized in that moment something that King Solomon talked about in Ecclesiastes 3:7 "there is a time to keep silent and a time to speak". the one with wisdom knows the difference. and I believe there are some things better left unsaid for the duration. Especially when the motivation to speak the thoughts is not as it should be. Once again checking my motives I began to understand why I wanted to have the conversation that was rattling around in my head.

I was reminded of a devotional I was reading the night before from Frances J. Roberts "Come Away My Beloved" titled Conviction and Forgiveness. This devotional is written from the perspective of God speaking to us. The part of the devotional that convicted me was where he tells us "You are indulgent when I have called you to rigid discipline. You speak soft words when I would require you to speak the truth. You interfere with the convicting work of My Holy Spirit when you smooth over confession. I am not a severe God, unmindful of the frailties of human nature; but I am a God of divine love and holiness, and I desire your fellowship, and I long for you to know My joy" Man cannot forgive sin. Why do you then excuse either yourself or your brother? Before Me you stand or fall. Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another that you may be perfected. Rebuke, warn, and exhort each other with all long-suffering and patience, Love and forgive each other, but do not lighten conviction. My love and holiness are beyond your comprehension, I do not love you because you are sinless (how then could I love any?), but I am able to receive you into My fellowship and bring you close to My heart on the merits of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Here rests your hope of cleansing and acceptance."

In the remembering of this devotional, I was convicted that the thoughts and the "conversation" was in no way meant to edify or exhort the other. It was a deception of the enemy trying to destroy the work God is doing in our lives. My motives in wanting to have the conversation were not holy or pure, and would not serve any good purpose. although they are honest and sincere thoughts and feelings this is truly a time to be silent.

I also need to take a long hard look at my motivation for things I am doing. Why am I doing the things I am doing... that may be tomorrow mornings conversation and walk/talk with my God... stay tuned...

blessings everyone,

Monday, August 2, 2010

An amazing thought!

Tonight, I have been re-looking at some of my old posts... I find it amazing how after almost two years from when I first posted this I am still amazed and impacted by the truth of this statement when reading it... Please take the time to read this and think about what it is saying...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
~ Marianne Williamson

Sunday, August 1, 2010

purification is a process... a not so pleasant one at that!

Since we have these promises let us purify ourselves from everything the contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. 2 Corinthians 7:1NIV

I just finished a long walk in the hot and humid early morning hours. It is August in Central Florida and that means steamy hot and sticky conditions, all day and night long. There seems to be little break from the condition that is almost like a physical weight that makes us just drag. Some days it almost feels like you are drowning outside. today is one of those days. As the sweat pours off me during my walk I am reminded of high school health class where they talked about how the glands in our bodies are performing a purification process when we sweat like that. It is flushing out the toxins from our cells through the skin. This is a healthy function of a well hydrated body doing exactly what God designed it to do. (even if I do not find it overly enjoyable or pleasurable) However when it comes to purification of the spirit it can also sometimes be an unpleasant experience. One where the Holy Spirit pushes out some of the things in our hearts and mind that are contaminating our souls.

Just as our physical bodies instinctively knows the things it is pushing out through the skin is unhealthy for our bodies and thus must rid us of those things, so also does the spirit know the things in our hearts and minds that are unhealthy for our souls and pushes them out. If we stay well watered in the word of God we desire to show reverence to Him. We allow our Spirit to release the things in our hearts and minds that contaminate the spirit just as the well watered body is willing to release the things that contaminate our physical selves.

For me my walks, no matter what the time of year or conditions, serve both purposes. I find that walking not only allows my body to flush out some of the toxins it also allows my soul the right conditions to do the same as I pour out my heart to my God. It allow the Spirit the ability to let go of some of the junk that is contaminating it. Some of the "junk" is not all bad... or at least it does not appear to be. Just like the food that taste so good, The things in my heart and mind that need to be purified are sometimes seemingly good things.

I was reminded this morning that the enemy is very very deceptive. I forget that sometimes. I forget that although something looks good and smells good and even taste good it is not necessarily good for me. My journey to health has taught me that about food... why am I surprised that it is the same in other areas of my life? I am also discovering that taking a break from some of the truly good things in life can lead to unhealthy desires as well as a desire for the good stuff. stay with me now... what I am trying to point out is the incredible connection between the physical and spiritual. for example any semi-mature Christian knows that restricting the daily disciplines of prayer, quiet time with God and time in His word can be necessary if we have allowed that to become all consuming... we are called to be salt and light in our world and if we never go out in the world we are so far off balance we need to stop and pull back some portion of our time from these things to regain the balance necessary in our spiritual life. However, this can lead to a very slippery slope if taken too far or for too long. Once away from the Christian walk. You start not spending as much time with other believers and become so busy with things and activities outside of the Christian life that you pretty soon you find yourself entertaining thoughts and ideas you never would have if you were staying faithful to the things you have let slide out of your life. In the same way when I have for a season allowed myself to restrict from my life carbs, including good foods like fruit and whole grains so that I could bring my body back into balance, (Something, I desperately needed to do) It was a necessary part of getting healthy. However, I am now finding after almost 6 months of time away I am begin to crave the good things... as well as the bad. yesterday I found myself in the frozen food section with tubs of ice cream in my hands. I was wise enough to read the labels and I did leave each one there. However, I struggled with it. I then found myself back in the fresh produce isles of the store and holding cherries and plums and nectarines in my hands... all good things yet still restricted items on my program. I left them there as well... sigh...

I am now in a place mentally where I am re-evaluating.... I honestly have met my initial goals. If we go back to the early post in this blog my one true goal was to be healthy. I am!!! Praise God, I truly am healthier than I have ever been as an adult, possibly ever in my life. Then when I set a weight goal, I set it at 175. I have met that goal as well... Although in my mind I have reset the goal to 150. I have to evaluate. Have I walked away from what is truly healthy for so long that I now am in a difficult place which has the potential to derail me? is this now a slippery slope that has the ability to quickly find me at the bottom of the pit? I am not sure... I honestly do not know. I do know that the connection between the physical and spiritual is very much connected to the mental and emotional as well. So today, will be a day of examining all those things. Looking for the weak link in the chain that connects me and keep me whole. It will also be a day of examining my spiritual armor that keeps me safe to make sure there is no chinks in it that could be allowing the enemy to penetrate my defenses and if so I will spend time repairing any damage I may find. I know that I know that I know My God is Omnipotent He has promised to supply wisdom to those who diligently seek it. Today I seek His wisdom... not that of men or of books or of life... but His wisdom that knows me better than I know myself... His wisdom that sees the ending before the beginning. His wisdom that truly nourishes me body, mind, heart and spirit.

Blessings to all of you! Thanks for reading and thanks for your prayers and encouragement! I know I would never have made it this far on my journey without you!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hearing His call

I find it amazing that God would find anything redeemable in my life, and then take those things and ask me to represent Him to others.

No, I am not suffering from low self esteem, no I did not have a bad day... Stay with me here... The God who created the Universe and all that is in it by just speaking it into being... God who alone is holy and pure, God who holds the only right to honor and praise, looks at me in all my imperfection and indecision, and shortcomings and procrastination, and He looks past even the major screw-ups.... and He sees something worthwhile. He is willing to pull me out of the pit I had dug for myself and makes something out of the mess I created in my life. He is willing to bring value to all I was willing to throw away, or at the very least trade in for a short time of pleasure. Anyone relate?

Even more amazing is that He would not just be wiling to redeem me but also to love me. To be wiling to walk alongside me and transform me into the one He created me to be. The fact that He is mindful of me, He has set His love on me! He calls me His beloved! He desires to spend time with me! Anyone else feel this amazing sense of disbelief that the one Who created us wants to be not just our King but also our friend?

Then, to hear Him calling my name... To call me to serve others in His name... to show me a path He has prepared especially for me to be His hands and feet and voice in another's life.. It honestly takes my breath away.

This week I have felt a new call, a new assignment, and new opportunity to share in a new way with others, who He is and how much He loves them... I am in awe of Him and how He works...

I pray I can in some small way honor His choice... That I can be faithful to the calling He has on my life. I pray I do not, drag my feet nor lag behind. I pray I can and will walk alongside Him and move when He says move, stand still when He asks me to be still and to honor Him with every word.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


True milestones in life are typically few and far between. yet there are some that most everyone experiences. Such a time is getting ready to occur in my life... and in the life of my youngest child. Who by the way is not much of a child anymore... Shawn will finish his last day of High School this week on Thursday. Friday will start a new phase in his life and consequently in mine.

I remember my mom telling the story of my Grandmother who had 11 children... my mom being the youngest... that the most difficult day of her life was the morning school started the year after my mom graduated from High School. as a huge part of her life was not over. no longer did she have children to get up and get off to school. Now in all fairness, I have not had to get Shawn up and out the door for school much in the past few years. He was a home school student for several years and the past year he has been living with his father... and only stayed at my house a few times on school days. However, it is still a change of thinking about him and myself.

I find myself having mixed emotions. I am very proud of him and his accomplishments. I am also a bit sad that I no longer have "children to mother" and I am excited about the choices he now has and that I now have. life will be changing in some major ways for both of us... I remember when each of my children had a birthday, they received new privileges as well as new responsibilities. so also with this milestone will he find he has more privileges as well as more responsibilities. not because I grant them, however, still there they are.

I however really like the change in my life... because for me there are now more opportunities yet less responsibilities.... kind of a mind altering thought. I have not yet processed all that means, in fact am waiting to try to process it... instead I am going to just sit and savor that thought. in fact I may need to pray about a way to celebrate that.... pretty cool milestone!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

long overdue update

I cannot believe that it has been five months since I have done any blogging... I have so much to share and the only excuse I can give you is that God has kicked my life into overdrive and transformation is happing at the speed of light these days!
so lets start at the beginning of the year since the last posting was my 2009 year in review...

January was a full month... with the wind down from the holidays I hit the ground running with preparations for Bonnie's wedding. I was her maid of honor so dress fittings, decorations etc... I also was working with my new Church Heart Cry in preparations for a Ladies Conference and preparing for a ladies conference coming up soon in Jacksonville. All went well.. crazy but good for most of the month. January 23rd the day of the wedding everything at the wedding was wonderful, I left Lakeland on my way that same day to Zephyrhills to celebrate my Aunts 7th birthday when on the way there I was in a very bad car accident. at the time was able to walk away... the car limped away but both left the scene of the accident. which in itself was a miracle. after an MRI and a couple of trips to two different Dr's offices it became evident that I was a mess physically. my BP was off the charts and my weight had doubled up on me and I had gained back 25 of the pounds i worked so hard to get off. I had 5 herniated disc in my back and neck and two bulging discs. As Dr. Keener told me my health had been compromised big time. I was heartborken as I had worked so hard to try to get healthy... now I could not go workout in the gym even if i needed to. I went back on one of my BP meds and was at a loss. Dr. Keener shared with me a new program he was testing out for himself. As he had also just recently gained a bunch of weight during his wife's recent pregnancy. I started the program on February 5th.

on February 17th I made a trip to Jacksonville where my wonderful friend and co-LIfe Purpose Coach Charlyn blessed me with a two day image consultation! we did my color profile, my style guide, I had my hair cut and eyebrows waxed all on one day. then on the second day we went shopping!! lots of new clothes!!! it was soooooo much fun to spend time with this wonderful lady and to come away with a new appreciation for who God made me to be!!!

Ladies conferences in Kissimmee and Jacksonville were both a wonderful success!

And this diet program is phenomenal!!!! I have now been on it for 11 weeks and have lost 53 pounds!!!

Since that time Dr. Keener's mom has moved down from Ga and is running his Lake Mary office, I helped him locate and set up an office in Kissimmee and he is now looking at possibly opening an office in Melbourne.

lots of plans and wonderful things God is doing so i promise to be much better about keeping you up to speed.

blessings, my friends!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 in Review

As 2009 draws to a close I have spent time over the past several weeks taking what I hope is an honest look back over the past year. It has been a year of major changes. I went back to my post from January and then even some from 2008 and as I read back over these posts I also realized it was a year of extremes, extreme changes to be exact. As a result my mind and my body and my emotions and even my spiritual life are all under extreme stress and as a result I am floundering....

I really do not like this feeling of being so unsettled, of being uncertain. The biggest reason I don't like it is that it has resulted in me being or feeling like I am stagnant and without passion. I feel like a spectator not a participant in life. I recognize there are a lot of lies the enemy is chasing through my head right now. Lots of old tapes that keep playing untruths. I also see that I am involved intimately day by day and min by min in ministry. It has become such a part of my life that it is just normal life for me. I also acknowledge that there is more truth in my head then lies. So why do I even acknowledge the lies. Why do I even give them consideration? Someone told me last week that it is totally possible that God is honoring my cry for total transformation in my life. and that all of this may be the result of that... God truly making me into someone completely different than who I now am... Maybe into the person He created me to be? If nothing else I do know this.... God is faithful and will complete the work He is doing in us!

I challenge each of you to take some time to truly examine where you have been the past year and pray about where and who and what God would have for you in 2010.

Blessings my friends,

Friday, November 6, 2009


This morning as I sat down to do my devotions, after an amazing walk in the "cool" of the early morning spent worshiping my God, and watching the sun rise, I found myself laughing out loud. My devotion this morning is about Zachariah. Nine months ago when I was preparing for a Ladies Conference I had prepared a presentation all about Zachariah, however, God must not have been impressed since He did not have me actually deliver the presentation. Well maybe it just wasn't time for me to learn the lessons God wanted me to learn about Zachariah.... stay with me folks... the title of my devotion this week is "Our Power Supply" When I read the introduction and the beginning of my daily devotional I immediately understood God's prompting all those months ago to go to Zachariah for inspiration.

Zachariah was one of God's prophets; a man called to bring God's word to God's people. History tells us that Zachariah's prophecies began two months after Haggai's first message- a message that urged God's people to quit ignoring the shabby condition of God's house and begin to rebuild the Temple, as He desired. God sent Zachariah to encourage and strengthen the people who had just begun rebuilding the Lord's house in obedience to God's world through Haggai.

Our Gracious God wanted His people to remain faithful and establish a close relationship with their Lord rather than merely working on a remodeling project. God wanted to use the rebuilding of the Temple as an opportunity to rebuild the faith and trust of the people who had ignored the Lord;s voice for way too long. God knew that the physical condition of the Temple was indicative of a much deeper problem. In the same way, the Lord calls us to enter into a close relationship with Him, even as we restore the body that years of not taking care of ourselves has torn down. Just as God used the prophet Zachariah to remind His people that they needed Him, He uses programs such as First Place 4 Health to remind us that a love relationship with Him is our first priority.

I am learning that when I put God in the proper place in my life "First Place" then He gives me the power to accomplish the things He wants me to accomplish in my life... including.... are you ready.... becoming truly HEALTHY in all areas of my life, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and PHYSICAL. In fact God is probably more concerned with the Mental, Emotional and Spiritual than He is with the Physical... since the physical is only temporary.... hmmmmmmm more food for thought.

Blessings everyone!